Last month seen us design, install and commission the electrical installation on this 210 panel, 100kw Solaredge commercial installation.
Evo Renewables are proud to have been appointed as the electrical contractors on this project working directly for the main renewable contractor. Our team designed the electrical AC installation of the project and carried out the works to a high standard with very minimal disruption.
Being challenged on how we would get the 14x Solar DC cables from the street level to the other side of the curved roof, proved to be easier than we had anticipated!
Prior planning and preparation meant we didn’t rush into the installation all guns blazing. Instead whilst the venue was closed we opted to spend a huge chunk of our allotted time to route in a 70mm ducting under the suspended floor, to outside and and then up a cable tray externally where it was then handed over to the road access team.
This method then allowed us to pull all 14x DC cables in at once through the ducting with very minimal disruption and was actually completed before the venue opened to the public.

The Solaredge system in our opinion is the best on the market for commercial installations. Not only does the site benifit from panel level monitoring and an excellent technical support team but it also gets the trusted SAFE DC technology which, in the event of a fault reduces the string voltages to 1v DC and is usually safe touch.
As part of the installation we installed a Rapid Shutdown gateway, or also known as a firefighters gateway.
The purpose of this gateway was to enable us to install an emergency push button installed next to the fire control panel, that can be pressed in the event of a fire to rapidly shut down the production of the solar pv.
Having designed, installed, tested and commissioned systems ranging from 20kw to 180kw using the Solaredge equipment, I’d go as far to say we have a good understanding of installing large scale bespoke solar arrays.
This will always be one of those projects that were grateful to have been a part of and one that, thankfully ended up easier that we had anticipated.
Now on to the next one!!